Follow these signs from the area hospital to our home.

From University / Crouse / VA Hospitals (2 miles, 8-10 minutes)
1. Take a left on HARRISON ST. (West). Stay straight.
2. Harrison St. will change to ONONDAGA ST. after crossing SALINA ST.
3. Continue on ONONDAGA ST. for several blocks. At the first light you will see a Rite Aid drug store on your right. Continue straight until the second light.
4. The second light will be a 5-way intersection where you will bear slightly to the left onto what is now ONONDAGA AVE.(See a small blue/white Sarah House sign)
5. Continue one more block, and at the light take a right (ramp) onto BELLEVUE AVE. (Sarah House sign)
6. Go 4 blocks up the hill and take a left onto ROBERT AVE. See Sarah House sign. (There will be a school on the left corner)
7. Sarah's Guest House is the first house on the right (the house is brick on the bottom and green on top). Pull into 2nd driveway on the right, and park in the rear, or park on the street in front of the house.
From University / Crouse / VA Hospitals (2 miles, 8-10 minutes)
1. Take a left on HARRISON ST. (West). Stay straight.
2. Harrison St. will change to ONONDAGA ST. after crossing SALINA ST.
3. Continue on ONONDAGA ST. for several blocks. At the first light you will see a Rite Aid drug store on your right. Continue straight until the second light.
4. The second light will be a 5-way intersection where you will bear slightly to the left onto what is now ONONDAGA AVE.(See a small blue/white Sarah House sign)
5. Continue one more block, and at the light take a right (ramp) onto BELLEVUE AVE. (Sarah House sign)
6. Go 4 blocks up the hill and take a left onto ROBERT AVE. See Sarah House sign. (There will be a school on the left corner)
7. Sarah's Guest House is the first house on the right (the house is brick on the bottom and green on top). Pull into 2nd driveway on the right, and park in the rear, or park on the street in front of the house.